Saturday, June 29, 2013


Really???  This sweet boy is 6 years old????

And my baby girl - 6????

Well it's true, unbelievably!  6 sounds so much older to me than 5.  In my mind I can still lump 5 in with 4, but somehow turning 6 lumps them in with 7 and 8 in my mind....and I'm not ready for that!

 But I did get ready for the party!!!  I had so much fun with their party this year!  I was on a craft kick about one month before, so I over-committed myself to projects and party favors!  Every idea the kids had I'd be excited and say, "Sure!  We can do that!"  (somehow forgetting that we were moving 2 weeks after their party!).

Caleb wanted a Ninjago Lego party......for those of you who don't recognize it, the cake is Zane's you see it now??   Not bad, right?  I had so much fun doing it!  It was even more fun making stuffed animal Ninjago's for party favors!  Seriously, so much fun!  Caleb really wanted to help with the stuffed Ninja's so he did the pedal of the sewing machine.....and did a great job!  He shocked me with the control he had over his speed.....I didn't even run over my own fingers!

And......may I present Hello Kitty of course!  She was super fun too!  Now, since I was making stuffed Ninja's, Alethia wanted stuffed Hello Kitties for her friends.  So I bought a bag of white, ankle-height socks, cut, stuffed, sewed, and painted faces on them.....and, voila - Hello Kitty!
My friend Nicola taught me how to make homemade headbands too.......I had a huge bag of fabric from Chris' Mom, so we made headbands for the girls as well.  I had so much fun......once everything was made I didn't know what to do with my evenings!

And the birthday arrived!!!!  
Here are our miracle babies.....all grown up!

I am so grateful for the gift of these three people.  The joy that each of them has brought to my life is unexplainable (is that a word?? Well, you know what I mean!).  

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