Sunday, June 30, 2013


We finally made it to our destination!!!!!

With much, much help from our friends......
                                                                        New friends
                                                                         Old friends
Work friends
Childhood friends
Patrick's friends
Church friends
Old neighbors
New neighbors
They ALL helped us with some aspect of our move .....amazing how God puts people in your life and in your days right at the right mome

We had friends who packed our moving truck,
friends who drove our moving truck
friends who unloaded our moving truck
friends who unpacked our boxes!!!!
(all different groups of people and different groups of friends)

 That's what it takes for us to make a move like this.  God has provided help like this for every move we've ever had.

Chris organized it all.  
He called and asked for help with every stage of the process. 
He had people at our home cleaning and keeping us caught up with dishes and laundry for the entire process.
He had people packing boxes while I was at work.
He had people come to help us pack up the truck.
He had people at our new home to unload the truck once we arrived. 
And he had people at our home for the first few days to move furniture and help unpack.  

All I had to do was show up!

Although Chris doesn't use his physical hands to get us ready, he found physical hands to do what he would be doing......and the best part is that he doesn't tell me who he asks and who has helped.  So for me, as his wife, HE TAKES CARE OF IT......I don't even know WHO to thank other than Chris!

So yes, he's paralyzed, BUT he has found another way to take care of me and take care of our children.

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