Saturday, February 6, 2010

Homemade Villages

With all of the Christmas gifts and that season behind us, I wanted to come up with a way to have "new toys" without actually BUYING new toys. SO, here is the result:
2 houses, 2 chimneys, lots of Mommies, Daddies, Calebs, and Alethias......
Just old granola bar boxes and yogurt containers covered in construction paper. And the people are self-explanatory except that once we made one wheelchair for Daddy then EVERYONE had to have wheelchairs because they were so much fun..... and notice also, the kids insisted on ramps for each house for Daddy's wheelchair.

Yes, we're raising two very ADA-friendly children (very aware of accessibility issues!).

Since the start of this village I must say that we've established a plethora of "toys" with construction paper. And now if there's ANYTHING that we don't own, we just make it with construction paper and all is well with the world!!!

What a glorious thing! Who knew that all we needed was a box of crayons, tape, construction paper, and scissors!!!

We've made animals, cartoon characters, tools, cars, airplanes, houses......what more could you ever need!!!

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