Monday, July 4, 2011


I know, I've already posted a lot of T ball "action shots". And I've even posted the end of the season trophy pictures, but I just found these pictures of Caleb's last game and I just can't help but post them as well........after all, he is my Bubba!!! (I know, I shouldn't admit to calling him Bubba since somehow in our society that drastically drops his IQ according to stereotypes, but he has been my "Bubba" since he was born....and he always will be.....Chris even bought me a sweatshirt that says, "I love Bubba", so that makes it official!)

I had so much fun watching Caleb enjoy T ball......he really loved it.....well, as long as he was getting the ball or running. But I can honestly say that Chris' tactics paid off and Caleb was able to play the entire last game without having any "field time outs" from playing for whining or stomping about one of his teammates getting the ball.......he even clapped for his teammates in the last game when they got the ball and he didn't - now THAT'S progress - good job Coach Chris!

Chris can't help himself.....he never could stay on 1st base for long.....and Caleb's on his way to learning how to steal bases!

Seriously, look how much fun he's having!

My own little number 7!

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