Saturday, June 15, 2013


Have you ever read that poem?  By Robert Frost......
I memorized it in high school I think, maybe even middle school.....but it has stuck with me for some reason.

Two roads diverge in a yellow wood
and sorry I could not travel both
and be one traveler long I stood
and look down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth

The Undergrowth - that's where the questions lie
What is in the undergrowth?
What is it hiding?  What does the path hold?
Are there fun turns?  
Treacherous turns?  
No turns?  
Where does it ultimately lead?
What is the destination? 
Does the destination matter, or is it the path that is more important?

And so go the questions of this journey called life.  We're all in it aren't we?  Some questions are so easy and predictable.....and yet others.....those burning desires within our souls.....the subtle, unsettled sense that you aren't fully where you are going to be.....that there is another step to take......and though it burns, it's so easy to dismiss.....impossible to ignore one day and impossible to fathom another day.  Are you talking yourself into it?  Talking yourself out of it?  Following a person?  Following a theory?  Following the Lord?  Following a random curiosity that has no bearing on your life?  Or following a still, small voice in your soul that will ultimately lead to the next major season of your life?   

If you're like me, at this point you need specifics.  
We left Dallas, Tx last June and moved back to Virginia.  Coming to that decision involved many twists and turns that were completely unexpected to me!  Although we still owned our home in Virginia, it took us a while to fully decide to move back.  We searched the Lord the entire 3 years we lived in Dallas to know where we were to move afterwards. 
I truly believe that this move to VA was exactly what we needed at the time we arrived.  And  yet after being there a few months there was something that began to change......something in both of  our spirits seemed unsettled......our road was diverging........
and so came the choice - do we stay or do we go......

Long story short - we moved to the BEACH! 

Although it seemed like a whirlwind from the outside looking in, there was nothing more RIGHT to Chris and I in our minds, and in our hearts, and in our prayer time, and during worship.  It was like pieces of a puzzle fell into place before our very eyes.  We would ask God questions individually, asking Him to answer specific questions so that we could confirm more and more through our prayers that He was in fact leading us down this road.  The pieces continue to fall into place since our arrival in our  new home and new community,  unveiling an amazing work of art that only the Lord could create. 

Just a glimpse.....

of the joy.....

and wonder....

He's created.

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