Sunday, May 18, 2014


When we started meeting friends at church, we met some super cool people!  One of the families whose friendship has meant so much to us has been Kate and Trapper and their awesome kiddos!  Trapper and Chris knew each other from somewhere in the past, but even now they haven't fully figured it out.  They have several mutual friends and they both surfed with some of the same people, so we're just assuming it was from that!  So sweet how God brings people in and out of our lives at different times.  It just reminds me of His humor and love and magnificent plans of putting certain people in our paths throughout our lives - so intentional and such a gift.  

I have been so blessed by both Kate and Trapper in so many ways.  Before any talk or plans for surfing ever evolved, Trapper was talking to Chris about how he could get him back in the water.  Trapper would bring his shovel to the beach and dig out a "sand chair" for Chris.  He'd carry him from his wheelchair onto the beach and help him get set up wherever he wanted to sit.  It gave Chris his first chance to get back on the beach, close to the water where he could enjoy the kids and play in the sand with them.  

When Chris talked to Trapper about wanting to teach Caleb to surf, he jumped right on it and gave Caleb one of his old boards.  He went out with us just about every weekend at the end of last summer and surfed with Caleb and carried Chris wherever he wanted to go.  I can't tell you how much of a gift that is to me for the help, to Chris for the freedom it gives him in being a husband and a father on the beach with his family, and for the kids to be able to have their whole family on the beach.....being able to be close enough to their Daddy to cuddle in the sand and bury his feet.  It's these moments of greater and greater freedom that their friendship has brought to us.

Kate has been such a wonderful friend to me.  So consistent in keeping in touch with me and so quick to help in any way.  She's made dinner for us, done our dishes, carried our bags, wiped our kids' noses, and been a true encourager to each of us.  I am so blessed by her drive to know the Lord and please Him with her life.  Her heart for God is tremendous.  It did not take long to realize that she passionately loves the Lord and wants to honor Him in everything she does.  Watching her and listening to her pursuit of God has encouraged me to really kneel before Him.  Kate's love for the Lord reminds me of Mary in the bible who poured out her best, most expensive perfume on Jesus and washed His feet with her hair, wanting nothing more than to sit at His feet and bless Him with her heart and her actions.  That is Kate.  

These pictures are just one afternoon of memories that we have spent together.  Hopefully many more to come!

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